• The Delegation Of Singapore's Happy School Visited Shanghai University For The Elderly

Recently, the delegation of Singapore's Happy School, led by Mr. Huang Mingde, president of Singapore's Happy School visited Shanghai University for the Elderly.

The meeting was chaired by Peng Haihong, Vice President of Shanghai University for the Elderly. She welcomed the arrival of the Happy School from Singapore and introduced the basic situation of the university. She mentioned about the history of cooperation between the two institutions and was looking forward for further collaboration. The Happy School shared its development achievements in recent years, emphasizing the efforts made to enhance society's positive perception of aging issues. They stated that the school is committed to transforming the role of the elderly from beneficiaries to active contributors to the community. They hope that through cooperation, they can create a more diverse learning environment for the elderly, helping them to enjoy a high-quality life in the new era. The meeting also had in-depth discussions on how to effectively share distance education resources and deepen international educational exchanges and cooperation.

Before the meeting, accompanied by the leadership team of Shanghai University for the Elderly, the delegation visited the smart life experience classrooms. They highly praised the innovative practices of Shanghai University for the Elderly in empowering elderly education with digital technology.





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